Summary: During sleep, the brain resets memory by silencing specific neurons in the hippocampus, allowing for continuous learning without overloading. This process, crucial for memory
Summary: Female athletes consuming only half their caloric needs for 14 days experienced significant drops in performance and muscle mass. This low energy availability also
Something I worked very diligently on turned out to be a HUGE disappointment. Source material for this book are from my 18 year old HypnoAthletics
Many of the same therapies used to activate the immune system against cancer may also combat infectious diseases. – Drug Discovery News (DDN) Reading Sponsored
Sponsored by The BlogDealer – Health, Fitness and Fat Reduction. Listen to “Happiness now or later: The impact of timing on well-being” on Spreaker. 2023_06_05_23_02_47.mp4
Summary: During the COVID-19 pandemic, US dog and cat owners became closer to their pets, though pet ownership did not consistently alleviate stress and loneliness.
Summary: Memory formation requires higher-frequency ripples in the hippocampus and lower-frequency ripples in the parietal cortex. However, to make a memory stick, coordinated high-frequency ripples
Summary: Using a combination of machine learning and neuroimaging data, researchers revealed a neural basis for aesthetic appreciation. Sponsored by The BlogDealer – Health, Fitness and Fat
Summary: In addition to helping treat mental health disorders, psychedelic treatments can help people overcome addictions. A new study reports psychedelics can help smokers quit
Comptroller Susana Mendoza accused the city of setting impossible standards for cops to receive benefits Sponsored by The BlogDealer – Health, Fitness and Fat Reduction. Listen to