Book List

  1. Joy in Plain Sight by Katya Davydova; 2022
  2. The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene
  3. To Infinity and Beyond by Neil deGrasse Tyson
  4. The Physics Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained by Dorling Kindserly; 2020
  5. The Biology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained by Dorling Kindserly; 2021
  6. The Math Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained by Dorling Kindserly; 2019
  7. Radiation by Robert Peter Gale, M.D. & Eric Lax; 2013
  8. Black Hole Survival Guide by Janna Levin; 2022
  9. Gods of Eden by William Bramley
  10. Euclid in the Rainforest by Josef Mazur
  11. The Daemon Tarot by Ariana Osborne; 2013
  12. Liminal Zenith by Clayre Benzadón
  13. Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA By Richard C Hoagland; Mike Bara
  14. The Book of Runes by Ralph H. Blum; 1983
  15. War of the Gods by Erich von Däniken
  16. The Gods Never Left Us by Erich von Däniken
  17. Our African Unconscious by Edward Bruce Bynum; 1999
  18. Black Tarot by Nyasha Williams; 2022
  19. West African Folktales – General Editor Jake Jackson; 2021
  20. The Annotated African American Folktales noted by Henry Louis Gates, Jr & Maria Tatar; 2018
  21. Chineasy Everyday by ShaoLan; 2016
  22. Pandemonium: A visual history of demonology by Ed Simon; 2021
  23. Shopgirl by Steve Martin
  24. Moon, Magic & Mindfulness with Grace by Graciela Moore; 2023
  25. Witchcraft by Anastasia Greywolf
  26. The Book of Vampires by Dudley Wright; 1914
  27. Angel Tarot by Travis McHenry; 2020
  28. A Dictionary of Angels by Gustav Davidson; 1967
  29. Islam: A short history by Karen Armstrong; 2000
  30. The Occult Book by John Michael Greer; 2017
  31. The Witches Almanac 50 Year Anniversary Edition by Andrew Theitic
  32. The Holy Bible – Thomas Nelson; 2017
  33. Signs & Symbols of the World by D.R. McElroy; 2020
  34. Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks and Secret Sorcery by Joseph P. Farrell; 2016
  35. Electrical and Mechanical Engineering by David Baker; 2022
  36. The Cartoon Introduction to Calculus by Grady Klein & Yoram Bauman, Ph.D.; 2019
  37. Capitalist Manifesto by Robert Kiyosaki; 2021
  38. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot; 2020
  39. Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets by Robert Kiyosaki; 2019
  40. Dictionary of Hypnotism by Anita Evangelista; 1991
  41. The Real Book of Real Estate by Robert Kiyosaki; 2013
  42. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki; 1997
  43. Winslow Hoffner’s Incredible Encounters by Michael Thompson; 2018
  44. Divination by Alida Somers; 2021
  45. Earl Mindell’s Secret Remedies by Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D,; 1997
  46. Miracle Medicine Foods by Rex Adams; 1977
  47. The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels; 1888
  48. The Holy Qur’an as explained by Allamah Nooruddin; 1997
  49. The Art of War Strategy Oracle by Sun Tzu / Arcturus Holdings; 2023
  50. The 100-Day Financial Goal Journal by Alyssa Davies; 2020
  51. The Book of Enoch – Defender Publishing; 2016
  52. The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry by Larry Gonnick & Craig Criddle
  53. Dictionary of Real Estate Terms by Barron’s; 2017
  54. Why The Rich Are Getting Richer by Robert T. Kiyosaki; 2017
  55. Concise World Atlas by Dorling Kindserly; 2021
  56. Haiku Illustrated translated by Hart Larrabee; 2020
  57. Five Rings Illustrated translated by Maisy Hatchard; 2022
  58. Hot Numbers by Jean Simpson; 1986
  59. The Cashflow Quandrant by Robert T. Kiyosaki; 1998
  60. The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
  61. The Constitution of the United States of America with the Declaration of Independence
  62. The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith; 1776
  63. How Money Works by Dorling Kindserly; 2017
  64. The Little Book of Economics by Dorling Kindserly; 2020
  65. The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel; 2020
  66. The Angel Numbers Book by Mystic Mihaela; 2021
  67. Numerology for Beginners by Gerie Bauer; 2000
  68. Tax Free Wealth by Tom Wheelright, CPA; 2012
  69. Alchemy Elementals by Shaman Durek; 2022
  70. The Witches’ Almanac By The Witches’ Almanac, Ltd.; Est. by Elizabeth Pepper; 1971

Current Book List for Hakeem Ali-Bocas Alexander on Amazon Kindle

  1. The Set Dresser’s Handbook: Tips and Tricks for Set Dressers of All Genres
  2. Building Wealth with Private Money Lending in Real Estate: Funding Real Estate Investements With Private Capital
  3. Shadows of the Sunshine State: Advanced Ghost Hunting Techniques in Miami
  4. UniquilibriuM Demonology: Demonology and Exorcism (UniquilibriuM’s Demonology)
  5. Beyond the Blue Planet: A Passport to the Solar System
  6. Cleansing the Coast: Exorcising Demons in Virginia’s Hampton Roads
  7. The Mind’s Labyrinth: Navigating Lost Memories of Alien Encounters
  8. Spirits Unveiled: House Healing Techniques for Ghost Hunters in Virginia Beach
  9. Chronicles of the Hidden Hand: Spying Into the Espionage Arts (Department of Defense USA)
  10. The Fitness Podcaster’s Playbook: Marketing Strategies for Personal Trainers (PodCast Marketing)
  11. Enhanced Warriors: The Future of Metaphysical Weapons in Military Strategy (Department of Defense USA)
  12. From Theory to Practice: Engaging with the Eight Limbs of Yoga
  13. All That Blooms Must Die: Eternal Echoes of the Universe
  14. Hypnotic Armor: Emotional Detachment Techniques for Combat Readiness (Department of Defense USA)
  15. Podcasting Your Psychology Journey: Tips for Turning Learning into Income (PodCast Marketing)
  16. Hyper-Lethal Innovations: Combat Prosthetics for the Modern Soldier (Department of Defense USA)
  17. Tarot of the Damned: The Curse That Haunts the Cards
  18. Olympus Has Fallen Down the Rabbit Hole (2023)
  19. Digital Revenue Revolution: Strategies for Beginner Freelance Marketers