Summary: During sleep, the brain resets memory by silencing specific neurons in the hippocampus, allowing for continuous learning without overloading. This process, crucial for memory
Summary: Female athletes consuming only half their caloric needs for 14 days experienced significant drops in performance and muscle mass. This low energy availability also
Sponsored by The BlogDealer – Health, Fitness and Fat Reduction. Listen to “Happiness now or later: The impact of timing on well-being” on Spreaker. 2023_06_05_23_02_47.mp4
Summary: During the COVID-19 pandemic, US dog and cat owners became closer to their pets, though pet ownership did not consistently alleviate stress and loneliness.
Summary: Memory formation requires higher-frequency ripples in the hippocampus and lower-frequency ripples in the parietal cortex. However, to make a memory stick, coordinated high-frequency ripples
Summary: Using a combination of machine learning and neuroimaging data, researchers revealed a neural basis for aesthetic appreciation. Sponsored by The BlogDealer – Health, Fitness and Fat
Summary: In addition to helping treat mental health disorders, psychedelic treatments can help people overcome addictions. A new study reports psychedelics can help smokers quit
Summary: Child tax credit not only helped to reduce childhood poverty, but the expansion of monthly payments also helped to reduce child abuse and neglect,
Summary: Female selfie posting was associated with intimidatory self-presentation strategies and linked to higher levels of aggression. Sponsored by The BlogDealer – Health, Fitness and Fat Reduction.
Summary: Location bias may explain how psychedelic medications work. Researchers found that engaging serotonin 2A receptors inside neurons promotes the growth of new connections, but