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NEW! Digital Revenue Revolution: Strategies for Beginner Freelance Marketers eBook 2024

Unlock your Digital Revenue Revolutionary Super-Power with this kinda boring, but really helpful eBook

Sponsored by The BlogDealer โ€“ Health, Fitness and Fat Reduction.

Listen to “Digital Revenue Revolution: Strategies for Beginner Freelance Marketers eBook” on Spreaker.

Struggling to get started in the digital revolution and succeed as a freelance marketer? Been creating content for years and following gurus and still feeling like a broke failure? Me too โ€“ but not anymore.

Fortunately, I learned that I need to stay consistent, and find the right information through โ€œcourses, coaches, and communityโ€ as Keala Kanae says. I thought I could do it all alone for too many years, but finally decided to invest in the education I needed to take the right actions.

This handy little eBook, โ€œDigital Revenue Revolution: Strategies for Beginner Freelance Marketersโ€œ, is a compilation of all the things Iโ€™ve learned, am continuing to learn, and having an even more difficult time implementing consistently.

Thankfully, because I have continued to persevere, I am finding more success as I continue to grind, and discover that this information, along with the right courses, coaching, and community are paying off big time.
Hakeem Ali-Bocas Alexander 2023

Automated Income (AI)

Source: Marketing Message Management – Hakeem Alexander Kommunikations

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