Prioritizing Practical Care When Treating Prolonged Grief Disorder
“World Reading Club Celebrates the JOY of Learning by Promoting the LOVE of Literacy.”
Psych Congress Network Reading
Presented by Hakeem Ali-Bocas Alexander (WRC).
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“With the DSM-5-TR, the debate relates to the addition of Prolonged Grief Disorder as a formal diagnosis. Those opposed to these changes fear the medicalizing and pathologizing of a natural human process: grief. Proponents of these changes fear the lack of recognition of, and thus, lack of treatment for a condition that leads to profound suffering and that has a robust evidence base for efficacious treatment.
In many senses, those in opposition to and those in favor of the changes to the DSM-5 and DSM-5-TR are having different debates. Those opposed to the changes are having a philosophical debate, proponents of these changes are having a practical debate. From a philosophical standpoint, concerns about medicalizing and pathologizing the human condition apply to the near entirety of psychiatric diagnoses. Nearly every human has experienced anxiety. At some point, we draw a line and past that threshold we call it an anxiety disorder. All humans experience sadness. At some point, we draw a line and past that threshold, we call it a depressive disorder. Grief is an easy target for such a debate. In my experience, those who are most opposed to the addition of PGD in the DSM-5-TR are not trained in its most evidence-based treatment, Prolonged Grief Disorder Therapy, and have not had the privilege of helping to utterly transform people’s lives with this powerful mode of treatment.” – Alana Iglewicz, MD.